It's 2:14am and I cannot sleep wtf I was almost passed out on the train and made myself stay awake so I would sleep at home and now I'm here and I can't sleep!! wtfffff fml
Today was my day off from work, and I thought maybe I couldn't do anything because funds are low as it's close to payday and moving day but I randomly mailed the ever lovely Hama and we decided to go hang out, which turned into a 8 hour epic ahaha but thank you to Mr Hama for paying for noms in ガスト at the end of it!
Sooo we met and decided to go to Ikebukuro to a cafe and ended up in a place called Milky Way. It was kinda cool, everything was constellation or horoscope themed; even the ice-cream and the teapots and stuff were stars!
We both went for the ice-cream option; mine was banana and chocolate based and Hama's was more fruit based :D
So we sat there for a while and enjoyed people watching as the place had a really nice view, then we decided to head on out and find something else to do as it was kind of expensive in there! We wandered on the street for a bit, and went in and out a few arcades, and I was able to visit Book Off and get a new book to read (my few books are severely over-read right now)
We went to Tokyu Hands and mooched about a bit there also looking at the Hallowe'en crap and the random stuff you can get, then I wanted to go to the pet department to see if there's anything I can buy to send my best friend for her cat (wish I got a photo but there was a collar that looked like a necktie and shirt collar.. I'm going to buy it for her so I'll post a photo later :D) I was most amused by the below t-shirt, which is how I am going to view evolution from now on. We also saw some cute lil hamsters in the pet store, and visited Nekobukuro, but no photos of the cats because lets face it, they're cats, we've all seen one and the hamster is way cuter!
After that, it was getting darker and colder so we headed to Shinjuku so I could check out stuff in Glad News to make my wishlist for payday, and also played in a game centre. Hama needed to be in Takadanobaba for work later so we went there and had dinner.. I just need to say, I LOVE DORIA :D and also, I read something in katakana for the first time without realising it so I'm really proud of myself bahaha...
It was a really fun day which was just what I needed, and I really enjoy having a new friend, especially one that I can practice my Japanese on.. I'm also impressed he didn't get annoyed at me constantly shaking him and saying CANDY MOUNTAIN CHARLIEEEE... explanation: his nickname at the bar is Charlie (don't ask me why, I don't know either) so I showed him the Charlie the Unicorn videos and now we can pass mere minutes by spontaneously going CHARLIEEE or RU-SHIIIII... it's lame but funny...
Outfit for the day
Wore my W*C Japan cardigan with the foxtail I bought there when I first arrived; I know it's not a trend but I LOVE it haha.. also had some jeans from River Island and my's a good day when you realise you probably need to buy smaller jeans ^^ not so good when you realise your Uggs are reaching the 2 year old mark and need renewing... It was a good outfit for the slightly colder weather, although come payday I'm stocking up on warm clothes!
On a final note, I finally got a photo of my little boyfriend from work, Riku. I love this kid, and he loves me. Every Sunday I'm guaranteed a hug and a giant smile from him. This is why this is such an awesome job ^^
Try to ignore my awkward arm and focus on the cute instead :D